About ArkAAN

Our Philosophy

ArkAAN views sound academic advising as a vital aspect in the education of students. Academic advising is an interactive process in which advisors assist students in setting and achieving academic, social and personal goals consistent with the students’ interests, values, abilities, and career expectations. Advisors create a supportive environment in which they may challenge students to take responsibility for making appropriate academic and career decisions. Through the relationship established between the advisor and students and the discussions they have about available resources, students will have the opportunity to learn about education and career options, academic policies and procedures, and degree requirements.

Our Purpose

The purpose of ArkAAN is to raise the level of recognition of academic advising as a profession and to promote the professional development of academic advisors in higher education in Arkansas. To accomplish this, ArkAAN will offer networking opportunities, encourage members to participate in professional development activities and will promote the development and implementation of professional standards of academic advising.

Our Goals

1.) Develop professional standards for academic advising. 

2.) Establish a communication network among institutions of higher education. 

3.) Establish a liaison to governing boards of higher education in Arkansas. 

4.) Establish relationships with other professional organizations and groups in Arkansas. 

5.) Promote an awards/recognition system for academic advising. 

6.) Organize and offer an annual conference/professional development event to members and others involved in academic advisement throughout the state. 

7.) Establish a consultation bureau for members and institutions in Arkansas. 

8.) Support the goals and programs of the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA)